[Kde-bindings] How to build Qyoto for Windows ?

Hendrik mc_kay at ircshark.net
Mon Apr 12 18:28:01 UTC 2010

Am 11.04.2010 20:40, schrieb Arno Rehn:
> On Thursday 08 April 2010 14:42:29 Hendrik wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'am trying to build Qyoto from SVN but I failed.
>> I using the manual from
>> http://imaginary-project.net/wiki/building_qyoto_for_windows
>> but when I run the windowsbuild.sh script I get this error message:
>> http://pastebin.com/nKYyq7ed
>> Using Ubuntu 9.10, QtCreator and the SDK is installed (i think) from the
>> Ubuntu repository.
>> Is there any better tutorial out ?
> Don't do this windowsbuild.sh thing.. If you want to build for windows, build
> on windows. Grab Qt, kdelibs (including -devel stuff) and cmake from KDE for
> Windows [0] (tested with the MSVC builds, mingw4 should also work. mingw3 not
> supported for the bindings).
> Check out kdebindings from trunk, and run cmake-gui.exe in a special build
> dir. The rest should be auto-detected. It creates a VS solution (in MSVC mode)
> which you can simply build. In theory.
but I currently failing in every point ;)
I know that I could get these thinks from the kde windows installer, but 
how exectly are they called ?
I find a few site on techbase but no on explin what package is "kdelibs".
And should I install the source or is the binary and the "dev" thinks 
enough ?
Could you give me a small complete picture how these packages are called 
and where are necessary?

Huge thanks !

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