[Kde-bindings] Adding an mf_attribute flag to MethodFlags in smoke.h

Arno Rehn arno at arnorehn.de
Wed Oct 21 00:59:07 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 13 October 2009 13:55:51 Arno Rehn wrote:
> On Tuesday 13 October 2009 12:38:33 Richard Dale wrote:
> > Ah, after I posted the mail I realized the flags are in an unsigned char,
> >  and we've run out of space. So it would need to be changed to an
> > unsigned short instead. Maybe wait until we have several BIC changes to
> > smoke.h and do them all at once? Now we have several projects using the
> > Smoke libs we have to be careful to all keep using the same versions.
> If we're at it we could also add sizeof() information for classes (for
>  dynamic list marshallers) and make init_foo_Smoke() and foo_Smoke extern
>  "C" (as suggested by the lisp bindings developer).
> > Also I think a 'mf_overloaded' flag would be useful as if a method isn't
> > overloaded, there is no need to keep looking it up, and the result of the
> >  first lookup can be cached.
> Yes, that sounds good.
As the soft feature freeze is getting closer (only 2 weeks left), I'd like to 
break BC before that or not until trunk is open for KDE 4.5, so people 
developing with Smoke (and that number seems to be steadily increasing :)) and 
packagers have time to adjust to the new version. Personally I'd opt for 
breaking it now, so to not hinder development of new stuff. If everyone is 
fine with that, we could collect a list of things that should go in. Until now 
I see the following:

* The above discussed extension to method flags.
* Mark init_foo_Smoke and foo_Smoke extern "C".
* Add sizeof() information to the classes table.

Would this be ok? Is there anything you would add? Or not include?

Arno Rehn
arno at arnorehn.de

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