[Kde-bindings] Test .ui file for developing rbuic4/puic4?

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Thu Nov 26 11:50:27 UTC 2009

On Thursday 26 November 2009 01:41:10 am Chris Burel wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm working on porting the working rbuic4 to generate perl code.  Does
> anyone have a good .ui file that uses all the features that uic
> supports?  This would help me make sure that it is working completely.
I just extracted all the .ui files in the Qt release, copied them to one 
directory, and then wrote a script to generate the ruby code with the test 
mode '-x' option. Then another script attempted to run each of the generated 
.rb files in turn. Some of them just don't work as they depend on custom C++ 
classes that didn't exist in Ruby, but by and large I felt I got pretty good 
test coverage.

-- Richard

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