[Kde-bindings] Follow the QtCreator's class structure, change output of rbuic4
airh2002 at oak.dti.ne.jp
Tue Jun 16 13:17:30 UTC 2009
QtCreator is an IDE released from QtSoftware and with Qt SDK.
Its default generating classes are well-designed.
I think, can I represent rbuic4's output as that?
So I try to fix some codes and succeed in my environment(Qt 4.5.1, Ruby 1.9.1).
I change these files:
summary of changes:
(1)naming rule and is changed
class name to include UI
ex) Ui::ProjectName
top level object name
ex) projectName
class name to be executed( and initialize UI class in this class)
ex) ProjectName
(2)related changes
* change intend level from 4 to 2
* add ObjectSpace#finalizer corresponding Qt's destructor
* change method name 'setupUi' and 'retranslateUi' from camelCase to snake_case and alias new to old
* capitalize option.postfix
* remove option.prefix obsoletely
Finally, I attach these change as patch file(suffix .diff).
It's worthy to try.
Youhei Kondou
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