[Kde-bindings] QTreeView with Qyoto and Kimono

Tim Taubert ttmails at gmx.de
Sun Jun 14 21:56:38 UTC 2009

Arno Rehn wrote:
> On Sunday 14 June 2009 20:35:24 Tim Taubert wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I'm currently trying to develop a text editor with Mono/Qyoto/Kimono. I
>> have a problem with the QTreeView component that uses a custom Model
>> (same error occurs using QDirModel). Every time I try to expand a 2nd
>> level node the application crashes with the following error message:
>> [snip]
>> Any ideas? Need some more information? :)
> The source or, even better, a small test case of you app would help us very 
> much to identify the problem :).

It took me some time to reduce the code to a cleaner subset still 
triggering the error. This is the smallest example I was able to 
produce. It is supposed to be some kind of a project manager with only 
projects as the root nodes. Every project has a root directory and lists 
the files and sub-directories under it. For the sake of simplicity every 
node has the same label in this example.

(Thanks in advance!)

Editor => application class with a tree view main widget
ItemModel => the model used by the tree view
Node => the node representing a file/folder with its information

This example raises a glibc error every time I expand a 2nd or 3rd level 


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Qyoto;

public class Editor
	public static int Main(String[] args)
		new QApplication(args);
		// project manager
		QTreeView tv = new QTreeView();
		ItemModel model = new ItemModel();
		return QApplication.Exec();

public class ItemModel : QAbstractItemModel
	public ItemModel () : base()
	public override int RowCount (Qyoto.QModelIndex parent)
		if (!parent.IsValid())
			// this is the number of projects
			return 1;
		return ((Node)parent.InternalPointer()).RowCount();
	public override QVariant Data (Qyoto.QModelIndex index, int role)
		if (role == (int)ItemDataRole.DisplayRole)
			return "node";
		return new QVariant();
	public override QModelIndex Parent (Qyoto.QModelIndex child)
		Node node = (Node)child.InternalPointer();
		node = node.Parent();
		if (null == node)
			// project nodes have no parent
			return new QModelIndex();
		return this.CreateIndex(node.Row(), 0, node);
	public override QModelIndex Index (int row, int column, 
Qyoto.QModelIndex parent)
		Node node;
		if (parent.IsValid())
			node = ((Node)parent.InternalPointer()).ChildAt(row);
			// create a new project node
			node = new Node("/", row);
		return this.CreateIndex(row, column, node);
	public override int ColumnCount (Qyoto.QModelIndex parent)
		return 1;

public class Node
	private string path;
	private int row;
	private Node parent;
	private List<Node> children;
	public Node(string path, int row)
		this.path = path;
		this.row = row;
	public Node(string path, int row, Node parent) : this(path, row)
		this.parent = parent;
	public Node Parent()
		return parent;
	public string Path()
		return path;
	public int Row()
		return row;
	public int RowCount()
		return Children().Count;
	// fetch all sub-directories and files
	protected List<Node> Children()
		if (null == children)
			QDir dir = new QDir(Path());
			dir.SetFilter((uint)(QDir.Filter.NoDotAndDotDot | 
			QDirIterator it = new QDirIterator(dir);
			children = new List<Node>();
			while (it.HasNext())
				children.Add(new Node(it.Next(), children.Count, this));
		return children;
	public Node ChildAt(int index)
		return Children()[index];

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