[Kde-bindings] PerlQt constructor syntax

Gary Greene greeneg at tolharadys.net
Tue Jun 2 15:14:38 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 02 June 2009 06:11:56 am Jonathan Yu wrote:
> Hi:
> Unfortunately, maintaining the existing API isn't something we can do,
> because the current API wasn't considered for forward compatibility.
> If we keep the existing API as-is, we will be breaking Perl best
> practices. (For example, see the discussion about the whole Blah->new
> versus Blah(...) constructors)
> The existing API is seriously broken and should be considered deprecated.
> What we might be able to do is provide a separate compatability API
> that will emulate the old style. However, maintaining the earlier API
> is bad for CPAN in general and will confuse people familiar with Perl
> coding.
> Definitely, we are trying to work with Ashley Winters to get the
> namespace transferred to us; however until such a time as we hear back
> from him, we cannot release anything under the Qt namespace on CPAN
> (the PAUSE Indexer will simply mark the release as UNAUTHORIZED and
> people will be unable to install it without typing the full path to
> the file, ie, F/FR/FREQUENCY/Qt-4.tar.gz)
> The Qt4 API is still awhile away from completion. Consider this
> advance notice that there are significant changes afoot, and while we
> understand that some people may have applications that use the Qt3
> API, it's not a reason to freeze the API as-is. Consider what would
> happen if HTML was frozen at the version 1.0 style to maintain
> compatibility with older parsers. At some point, change needs to
> happen, no matter how painful it is (we'll try to make this as
> painless as possible; but given the amount of time that has elapsed
> between Ashley's Qt modules and the current version, it's unlikely
> even Qt itself has a similar enough API for us to maintain
> compatibility that far back. Qt3, however, might be okay)
> Definitely, though, users of previous versions of software are always
> a consideration. We will try our best to provide a clean upgrade path
> and I would encourage you to proffer your input there. I'm happy to
> try to accommodate your needs, but I feel we have to balance that with
> the current generally accepted best practices of CPAN/Perl modules,
> not to mention the progress we have made in computer science itself
> over the past decade or so.
> Here is what I am thinking about as of right now, which should give
> you a decent upgrade path. The previous code being something like:
> use Qt;
> my $button = Qt::PushButton();
> .. etc
> You would get something like:
> Use Qt4::Compat;
> my $button = Qt::PushButton();
> .. etc
> Thus, the only line of code you'd need to change, is to load the Qt4
> Compatibility API rather than the Qt3 stuff. It will try to provide as
> close an emulation of the old style, without breaking too many things
> (there are some limitations like what the CPAN indexer will put up
> with; and we cannot override the modules previously uploaded by Ashley
> et al. unless they delete them from CPAN, or at least transfer
> namespace ownership over to us). So far the latter is pending.
> I'd like to hear what you expect the API to be like, or perhaps to
> give us a snippet of code you use, so that we can create a
> compatibility API around that. Does that sound fair?
> Cheers,
> Jonathan

Take a look at the SVN repository for AI (AltimatOS Installer) at 
http://svn.tabris.net/repos/ai/branches/perl/ with attention to ai.pl and 
AltimatOS/Installer/*.pm and AltimatOS/CuteDisk/*.pm. It'll give you an idea 
of what I mean. Note that it uses the KDE module too for KDE3, but the idea 
is the same since both are interrelated in the PerlQt3 package and share the 
same syntax.

Gary L. Greene, Jr.
Sent from: peorth.tolharadys.net
 08:01:58 up 29 days, 28 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.63, 0.60, 0.54
Developer and Project Lead for the AltimatOS open source project
Volunteer Developer for the KDE open source project
See http://www.altimatos.com/ and http://www.kde.org/ for more information

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