[Kde-bindings] It's the season to write plugins, tra lo la la... (qtonrails)

Declan McGrath declan at divilment.com
Tue Dec 15 21:50:26 UTC 2009

Quick question - as I am going to build this project as a Rails
plugin, what licence should I use. The default option presented to me
by the Rails plugin generator was the MIT licence but I've just
noticed that qtruby is LGPL.

Should I change the licence to LGPL or does it matter?

Kind regards,

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 7:41 AM, Declan McGrath <declan at divilment.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Recently, I mentioned building a Qt on Rails framework and got a few suggestions to start off a Rails plugin. I've done just than at http://github.com/theirishpenguin/qtonrails
> The project is still pretty new but I'm putting out there in search of contributors, feedback and all the usual FOSS love. In particular, people with experience of Qt to help guide the plugin development is what I most need right now. But anyone's welcome on board. It's available for install as a Rails plugin at http://github.com/theirishpenguin/qtonrails
> At the moment you can only generate a Qt Form with it but I've got some other work done at http://github.com/theirishpenguin/qtonrails-examples (which is more of an unstable research project for this whole area) which I will look to migrate into the qtonrails plugin over time.
> Ciao,
> Dec

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