[Kde-bindings] Problem getting data in a simple Qt::TableView

Declan McGrath declan at divilment.com
Thu Dec 3 01:33:56 UTC 2009

Hi folks,

Hacked together the ability to generate a Qt main window as part of the qt on rails project at http://github.com/theirishpenguin/qtonrails-examples

I have to admit, I'm a little stuck at the final hurdle - I cannot load data into the simple Qt::TableView I'm using at line 38 of qtonrails-examples/vendor/plugins/qt/app/ui_presenters/main.rb

It just throws up an empty main window. Why is my lovely data not showing?

If you've any ideas, to reproduce this you can do
git clone git://github.com/theirishpenguin/qtonrails-examples.git 
cd qtonrails-examples/vendor/plugins/qt/
./script/generate mainwindow
./script/generate proxies

At this point I would have expected on record to be displayed.


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