[Kde-bindings] Can I put my 'Developing Ruby apps with the QT Designer' tutorial somewhere on KDE Techbase?

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Thu Aug 20 09:32:15 UTC 2009

On Thursday 20 August 2009 10:06:30 am Declan McGrath wrote:
> Hi,
> I was thinking that there is a better way than overriding the setup_ui
> funtion, thanks. I've made some big changes to the article last night once
> I figured that out http://techbase.kde.org/User:Declan.mcgrath
> Hopefully, it is now more correct whilst still being easy to follow.
> Niels, I will look at the changing the font like you suggested. I've found
> your article at
> http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma/Ruby/GettingStarted so
> will dig out and handy wiki formatting from that.
> Thanks to everyone for the feedback to date and hope to have the article
I've just had a look and I think this is really good stuff - a lot of people 
rely on tutorials to get started and I think this will help get more of them 
trying QtRuby out.

Here are my comments as I read the article. I would refer to 'Kubuntu Jaunty' 
not 'Ubuntu'. Maybe we can give install instructions for the other important 
destributions too? I personally use Kubuntu, and I don't know how you install 
Ruby/QtRuby on Fedora or SuSE. You could just put in a sidenote inviting 
people to add install details for their distributions.

In the section where you talk about the 'if $0 == __FILE__' and say to remove 
it, I'm not sure if that is a good idea. I  would explain that if the 
generated code is included from a top level program that condition won't be 
true. So you can always use rbuic4 with the '-x' option even for a production 
program - just that you will have a test hook in there if you ever just want 
to test the UI.

It is fine to have more than one require 'Qt4' in your code, they just get 
ignored after the first one.

Anyhow, good stuff, and I hope TechBase works when you try and add it..

-- Richard

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