[Kde-bindings] exception raised by calling super in override of KDE::PageDialog#exec

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Mon Oct 20 19:18:20 UTC 2008

On Monday 20 October 2008 12:57:50 Arno Rehn wrote:
> Maybe we should override all the Kernel methods in Qt::Base and check
> whether the current class supports them. If they don't, we simply call the
> appropiate method of Kernel. We would get rid of a whole lot of class
> specific code in qtruby and korundum.
Yes, that might be a good idea. It just seemed less intrusive to fix the 
problem on a class by class basis, rather than having lots of the methods in 
Qt::Base. But then there do seem to be a lot of these methods in a lot of 

Another problem is if you want to be able to call both the Kernel and the 
smoke methods despatching on the type of the arguments passed - maybe some 
methods with the same name would have different arguments in different smoke 

-- Richard

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