[Kde-bindings] PlasmaScripting::Applet: Unresolved constructor

David Palacio dpalacio at uninorte.edu.co
Mon Nov 17 20:40:35 UTC 2008

>I've fixed this in the kdebase trunk. You can also work round it for KDE 4.1.x 
>by passing 'self.applet_script.applet' as the parent instead of just 'self'.
It works in 4.1.3. But it only works for QGraphicsProxyWidget and not for the 
rest of QGraphicsItem and subclasses.

p = Qt::GraphicsProxyWidget.new a.applet_script.applet
=> #<Qt::GraphicsProxyWidget:0x7f2056e846d0 objectName="">

r = Qt::GraphicsRectItem.new a.applet_script.applet
ArgumentError: unresolved constructor call Qt::GraphicsRectItem

r = Qt::GraphicsRectItem.new a
ArgumentError: unresolved constructor call Qt::GraphicsRectItem

It was not only a problem of QGraphicsProxyWidget. I will «svn up» trunk/ and 
test it later.

>The applet works now apart from this line:
>@proxy.widget = main
>I wasn't sure what you were intending to do here.
Oops. I forgot to remove that line.

Thanks. I can continue for now.

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