[Kde-bindings] cmake fails if gmcs is not found. (trunk)

Simon Edwards simon at simonzone.com
Sun May 18 14:30:49 UTC 2008


I'm just trying to compile kdebindings from trunk. I don't have gmcs 
installed and during running cmake it fails and complains about gmcs 
missing. Instead of just skipping and not building Qyoto, it stops 
cmake. It would be nice if it just complained, disabled the Qyoto build 
and continued, just like when other language support is absent.

I'm installing gmcs now so I can continue further. (not a big deal)


Simon Edwards             | KDE-NL, Guidance tools, Guarddog Firewall
simon at simonzone.com       | http://www.simonzone.com/software/
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."

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