[Kde-bindings] Qyoto ARGB windows using C++ QApplication hack: crashes

William Lahti xfurious at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 19:27:35 UTC 2008

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 2:03 PM, Richard Dale <rdale at foton.es> wrote:
>  I don't know if platform specific dlls are regarded as problem by mono/c#
>  programmers. As long as the code you write and compile against the qyoto dlls
>  is platform independent, then maybe it isn't really a problem. By the time
>  the C# code is generated the original C #ifdef's have been lost and it
>  wouldn't be possible to know which methods were X11 specific. So kalyptus
>  would have to add a 'X11-only' property to those methods.
>  Someone needs to work on wrapping Display, XEvent etc, there is more work
>  there than adding extra x11 method calls to qyoto.

Eh, at least for ARGB, the X11 specific QApplication constructor is
(Display, QHANDLE visual, QHANDLE colormap), where QHANDLE is a
#define for void*. So, I would suggest using IntPtr for all three of
these. Imho wrapping X11 is out of the scope of Qyoto, and the code
necessary to open a display and find a visual can very easily be done
in C# directly talking to libX11 (I wrote some for Slicker it only
took a few minutes).


long name: William Lahti
handle :: fury
freenode :: xfury
blog :: http://xfurious.blogspot.com/

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