[Kde-bindings] Problem when doing Ruby Plasma

Florian Falkner florian.falkner at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 16:42:22 UTC 2008

> It looks like you need a plugin version entry in your .desktop file for the 
> applet:
> X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version=0.1
> I'm not sure if 0.1 is right, but it should be something like that.
Mhmm, the entry is present. Could it be that krubypluginfactory is the problem?

> There are now two ways to write Plasma applets in Ruby - the first is using 
> the C++ api as described in the tutorial on techbase, and the second is using 
> the new ScriptEngine based ruby bindings. You should really use the 
> ScriptEngine api if possible as it allows the plasmoid packaging mechanism to 
> be used. I've been meaning to add some examples of how to use the 
> ScriptEngine api to write applets, and the only documentation at the moment 
> is my blog about it:
> Writing Plasma Applets in C# and Ruby
> http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3560
Thanks, I've read the blog, but couldn't follow the example. In fact I'm stuck at that sentence, which is somehow unclear to me:

"Here is an example of the Tiger applet for showing an svg in Ruby, it is always called 'main.rb' with class 'Main' in the module with the same module name as the applet's directory (converted to camel case), under a directory called 'tiger/contents/code':"

Where do I have to place the folder "tiger/contents/code/main.rb", that it get's recoginzed by the scriptengine? Or is it "tiger/contents/code/tiger/main.rb"?
I've compiled KDE4 under "/home/kde-devel/kde" with kdesvnbuild.

Thanks for your patience :-)


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