[Kde-bindings] KDE/kdebindings/csharp/soprano/soprano

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Tue Jul 22 14:35:23 UTC 2008

SVN commit 836560 by rdale:

* Regenerate the Soprano C# sources from the 2.1 headers
* Add some missing classes

CCMAIL: kde-bindings at kde.org

 A             Soprano.cs  
 M  +89 -89    Soprano_BindingSet.cs  
 A             Soprano_Client.cs  
 M  +111 -111  Soprano_Client_DBusClient.cs  
 M  +122 -122  Soprano_Client_DBusModel.cs  
 M  +39 -39    Soprano_Client_DBusNodeIterator.cs  
 M  +39 -39    Soprano_Client_DBusQueryResultIterator.cs  
 M  +39 -39    Soprano_Client_DBusStatementIterator.cs  
 A             Soprano_Client_LocalSocketClient.cs  
 A             Soprano_Client_TcpClient.cs  
 A             Soprano_Client_UnixSocketClient.cs  
 M  +40 -40    Soprano_Error.cs  
 M  +97 -97    Soprano_Error_Error.cs  
 M  +61 -61    Soprano_Error_ErrorCache.cs  
 M  +68 -68    Soprano_Error_Locator.cs  
 M  +55 -55    Soprano_Error_ParserError.cs  
 M  +240 -240  Soprano_FilterModel.cs  
 A             Soprano_Index.cs  
 A             Soprano_Index_CLuceneIndex.cs  
 A             Soprano_Index_IndexFilterModel.cs  
 A             Soprano_Index_QueryHit.cs  
 M  +13 -13    Soprano_Inference.cs  
 M  +139 -139  Soprano_Inference_InferenceModel.cs  
 M  +74 -74    Soprano_Inference_NodePattern.cs  
 M  +109 -109  Soprano_Inference_Rule.cs  
 M  +34 -34    Soprano_Inference_RuleParser.cs  
 M  +82 -82    Soprano_Inference_RuleSet.cs  
 M  +53 -53    Soprano_Inference_StatementPattern.cs  
 M  +326 -326  Soprano_LiteralValue.cs  
 M  +315 -315  Soprano_Model.cs  
 M  +254 -254  Soprano_Node.cs  
 M  +63 -58    Soprano_NodeIterator.cs  
 A             Soprano_Parser.cs  
 A             Soprano_Plugin.cs  
 A             Soprano_PluginManager.cs  
 M  +50 -50    Soprano_Query.cs  
 M  +156 -156  Soprano_QueryResultIterator.cs  
 A             Soprano_RdfSchemaModel.cs  
 A             Soprano_Serializer.cs  
 A             Soprano_Server.cs  
 M  +178 -178  Soprano_Server_DBusExportIterator.cs  
 M  +74 -74    Soprano_Server_DBusExportModel.cs  
 A             Soprano_Server_ServerCore.cs  
 M  +144 -144  Soprano_Statement.cs  
 M  +103 -98   Soprano_StatementIterator.cs  
 M  +104 -104  Soprano_StorageModel.cs  
 A             Soprano_Util.cs  
 A             Soprano_Util_AsyncModel.cs  
 A             Soprano_Util_AsyncResult.cs  
 A             Soprano_Util_MutexModel.cs  
 A             Soprano_Util_ReadOnlyModel.cs  
 A             Soprano_Util_SignalCacheModel.cs  
 A             Soprano_Util_SimpleNodeIterator.cs  
 A             Soprano_Util_SimpleStatementIterator.cs  
 A             Soprano_Vocabulary.cs  
 M  +232 -232  Soprano_Vocabulary_NAO.cs  
 M  +319 -319  Soprano_Vocabulary_NRL.cs  
 M  +256 -256  Soprano_Vocabulary_OWL.cs  
 M  +122 -122  Soprano_Vocabulary_RDF.cs  
 M  +123 -123  Soprano_Vocabulary_RDFS.cs  
 M  +51 -51    Soprano_Vocabulary_SIL.cs  
 M  +70 -70    Soprano_Vocabulary_XMLSchema.cs  

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