[Kde-bindings] Qyoto ARGB windows using C++ QApplication hack: crashes

William Lahti xfurious at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 18:47:53 UTC 2008

I tried to implement the workaround for ARGB windows in Qyoto via a
helper library that constructs the QApplication and calls Exec on it
for me.... and the QApplication gets constructed but the application
crashes when I create a QWidget... getting down to the QObject
constructor then segfaulting. A log of the output of my application is
attached. This is the same application I was talking about in the
QListWidget post, so if you want to try this directly with that
application just do

slicker.exe /argb

I still think it is perfectly acceptable for Qyoto to provide access
to the X11 constructors themselves--- that wouldn't preclude using
Qyoto on another platform any more than using QX11Embed would.....
QX11Embed and numerous other X11 only oddities are already provided in
Qyoto so I just don't see why we need to ignore quite possibly *the*
most interesting X11-specific feature out there.......


long name: William Lahti
handle :: fury
freenode :: xfury
blog :: http://xfurious.blogspot.com/
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