[Kde-bindings] crash when using a KDE::PageDialog without Application#exec

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Sun Aug 31 13:47:54 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 26 August 2008 07:59:20 Stefano Crocco wrote:
> at_exit{Qt::Internal.application_terminated = true}
> data = KDE::AboutData.new "test", "", KDE::ki18n("test"), "0.0.1"
> KDE::CmdLineArgs.init [], data
> app = KDE::Application.new
> dlg = Dlg.new
> w = Qt::Label.new "TEST"
> it = KDE::PageWidgetItem.new w
> dlg.add_page it
> puts "created"
> It worked correctly in this simple case, but I don't know whether it would
> work in more complex cases and whether it would have unwanted side effects.
Yes, that's a good idea - you could hide the at_exit somewhere and it would 
look a lot tidier than having a Qt::Internal call in the middle of your code. 
I can't see why it shouldn't work in more complicated cases - it should be 

-- Richard

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