[Kde-bindings] playground/bindings/phpqt/src

Thomas Moenicke tm at php-qt.org
Sat Apr 5 11:34:20 UTC 2008

SVN commit 793826 by moenicke:

* added "IS_NULL" to prepareMethodName() in case a default value is set to NULL (e.g. QWidget $parent = NULL)

CCMAIL: kde-bindings at kde.org

 M  +74 -71    smokephp.cpp  

--- trunk/playground/bindings/phpqt/src/smokephp.cpp #793825:793826
@@ -148,83 +148,84 @@
 smokephp_getMethod(const char* c, const char* m, const int argc, zval*** args)
-    Smoke::Index method = PQ::smoke()->findMethod(c, m);	// qt_Smoke->methods
-    Smoke::Index i = PQ::smoke()->methodMaps[method].method;
+	Smoke::Index method = PQ::smoke()->findMethod(c, m);	// qt_Smoke->methods
+	Smoke::Index i = PQ::smoke()->methodMaps[method].method;
-    if(i <= 0)
-    {
-	i = -i;		// turn into ambiguousMethodList index
-	while(PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i]) {
+	if(i <= 0)
+	{
+		i = -i;		// turn into ambiguousMethodList index
+		while(PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i]) {
-	    Smoke::Method &methodRef = PQ::smoke()->methods[PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i]];
-	    if ((methodRef.flags & Smoke::mf_internal) == 0) {
-		// try to compare smoke types with the php ones
-		bool right = false;
-		for(int k=0;k < argc;k++){
-		    uint type = static_cast<uint>( (**args[k]).type );
-		    switch((PQ::smoke()->types[PQ::smoke()->argumentList[PQ::smoke()->methods[PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i]].args+k]].flags & Smoke::tf_elem)){
-		    case Smoke::t_voidp:
-			if(type == IS_ARRAY)
-			    right = true;
-			if(type == IS_STRING)
-			    right = true;
-			break;
-		    case Smoke::t_bool:
-			if(type == IS_BOOL)
-			    right = true;
-			break;
-		    case Smoke::t_char:
-		    case Smoke::t_uchar:
-		    case Smoke::t_short:
-		    case Smoke::t_ushort:
-		    case Smoke::t_int:
-		    case Smoke::t_uint:
-		    case Smoke::t_long:
-		    case Smoke::t_ulong:
-			if(type == IS_LONG)
-			    right = true;
-			break;
-		    case Smoke::t_float:
-		    case Smoke::t_double:
-			if(type == IS_DOUBLE)
-			    right = true;
-			break;
-		    case Smoke::t_enum:
-			php_error(E_WARNING,"type enum not yet implemented\n");
-			break;
-		    case Smoke::t_class:
-			if(type == IS_OBJECT){
-			    QByteArray* name =
-				new QByteArray(
-				    PQ::smoke()->types[
-					PQ::smoke()->argumentList[
-					    PQ::smoke()->methods[
-						PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i]].args+k]].name);
-			    name->replace("const ","");
-			    name->replace("*","");
-			    name->replace("&","");
+			Smoke::Method &methodRef = PQ::smoke()->methods[PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i]];
-			    if( *name == QByteArray(Z_OBJCE_P( static_cast<zval*> (*args[k]))->name ))
-				right = true;
-			}
-			break;
-		    default:
-			php_error(E_ERROR, "unknown argument type");
-			break;
-		    }
-		}
-		if(right){
+			if ((methodRef.flags & Smoke::mf_internal) == 0) {
+				// try to compare smoke types with the php ones
+				bool right = false;
+				for( int k = 0; k < argc; k++ ) {
+					uint type = static_cast<uint>( (**args[k]).type );
+					switch( (PQ::smoke()->types[PQ::smoke()->argumentList[PQ::smoke()->methods[PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i]].args+k]].flags & Smoke::tf_elem) )
+					{
+					case Smoke::t_voidp:
+						if(type == IS_ARRAY)
+							right = true;
+						if(type == IS_STRING)
+							right = true;
+						break;
+					case Smoke::t_bool:
+						if(type == IS_BOOL)
+							right = true;
+						break;
+					case Smoke::t_char:
+					case Smoke::t_uchar:
+					case Smoke::t_short:
+					case Smoke::t_ushort:
+					case Smoke::t_int:
+					case Smoke::t_uint:
+					case Smoke::t_long:
+					case Smoke::t_ulong:
+						if(type == IS_LONG)
+							right = true;
+						break;
+					case Smoke::t_float:
+					case Smoke::t_double:
+						if(type == IS_DOUBLE)
+							right = true;
+						break;
+					case Smoke::t_enum:
+						php_error(E_WARNING,"type enum not yet implemented\n");
+						break;
+					case Smoke::t_class:
+						if(type == IS_OBJECT){
+							QByteArray* name =
+								new QByteArray(
+										PQ::smoke()->types[
+										                   PQ::smoke()->argumentList[
+										                                             PQ::smoke()->methods[
+										                                                                  PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i]].args+k]].name);
+							name->replace("const ","");
+							name->replace("*","");
+							name->replace("&","");
+							if( *name == QByteArray(Z_OBJCE_P( static_cast<zval*> (*args[k]))->name ))
+								right = true;
+						}
+						break;
+					default:
+						php_error(E_ERROR, "unknown argument type");
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if(right){
 #ifdef DEBUG
-		    php_error(E_NOTICE, "Ambiguous Method %s::%s => %d, %d", c, m, PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i], i);
+					php_error(E_NOTICE, "Ambiguous Method %s::%s => %d, %d", c, m, PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i], i);
-		    return PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i];
+					return PQ::smoke()->ambiguousMethodList[i];
+				}
+			}
+			i++;
-	    }
-	    i++;
-    	}
-    }
-    return i;
+	}
+	return i;
@@ -361,6 +362,8 @@
 	} else if (type == IS_STRING){
+	} else if (type == IS_NULL){
+		// nothing to do
 	} else if (type == IS_OBJECT){
 	    // as default QString is not supported in Smoke
 	    if(!strcmp( Z_OBJCE_P(*args[i])->name, "QString" )){

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