[Kde-bindings] playground/bindings/kimono

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Thu Mar 22 11:25:17 UTC 2007

SVN commit 645337 by rdale:

* Added debug methods for logging GCHandle.Alloc() and Free() calls
* Freed GCHandles in a few places, but there are still a lot of leaks

CCMAIL: kde-bindings at kde.org

 M  +5 -0      ChangeLog  
 M  +44 -25    Qyoto.cs  
 M  +17 -3     QyotoMetaData.cs  
 M  +82 -11    SmokeInvocation.cs  
 M  +46 -2     SmokeMarshallers.cs  
 M  +19 -12    handlers.cpp  
 M  +19 -16    qyoto.cpp  

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