[Kde-bindings] KDE/kdebindings/smoke/qt

Caleb Tennis caleb at aei-tech.com
Mon Mar 5 16:28:49 UTC 2007

> Yes, that all looks good - it will be nice to get the framework version of Qt
> working on Mac OS X. I think cmake tests should make qtguess.pl obsolete. The
> only problem I have is that the QtDBus lib isn't being added to the Qt libs
> and I get a link failure. QtDBus doesn't end up in
> smoke/qt/CMakeFiles/smokeqt.dir/link.txt and I can't really see why.

Also note that I've modified FindQt4.cmake for OS X frameworks, so if you're using
that you may want to do an svn up and move the new copy over for your smoke testing.


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