[Kde-bindings] Qyoto release

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Thu Jun 21 11:19:11 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 20 June 2007, Caleb Tennis wrote:
> > I've also just released a new QtRuby 1.4.9, and also we can announce
> > Thomas Moenicke Qt/PHP bindings project too, to make a more interesting
> > story.
> Would you/anyone object to getting rid of 'Qt.rb' from the distribution? 
> Mainly, it's provided by the old Qt3 qtruby and it conflicts if you have
> them both installed at the same time.  It can also cause some confusion as
> to which Qt you're really referring to.
I'm not too bothered one way or another. But I think we would need to output a 
warning message for the next release saying it's deprecated, and the remove 
altogether in the release after that. I think there are relatively small 
numbers of Qt3 QtRuby users though, relative to the numbers of Qt4 users we 
would get if it was easier to build and there was an easy installable qtruby 
gem. I think Qt is beginning to wipe the floor with all other toolkits apart 
from Cocoa now, and Qt bindings should be more successful than they are.

-- Richard

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