[Kde-bindings] playground/bindings/kimono

Arno Rehn arno at arnorehn.de
Tue Feb 20 18:02:43 UTC 2007

Am Montag, 19. Februar 2007 schrieb Richard Dale:
> On Monday 19 February 2007, Arno Rehn wrote:
> > * Implemented adding Q_PROPERTY's to the QMetaObject. Next step is
> >   adding classes like InvokeSlot for properties in qyoto.cpp.
> Yes, this looks good. I've been experimenting with the complexpingpong
> example. It has these flags in the moc generated moc_complexpong.cpp:
>  // properties: name, type, flags
>      133,  125, 0x0a095103,
>        0        // eod
> };
> static const char qt_meta_stringdata_Pong[] = {
>     "Pong\0com.trolltech.QtDBus.ComplexPong.Pong\0"
>     "D-Bus Interface\0\0aboutToQuit()\0"
>     "QDBusVariant\0query\0query(QString)\0"
>     "Q_NOREPLY\0quit()\0QString\0value\0"
> };
> ...
> So I changed the or'd flags in QyotoMetaData.cs to give the same result:
> 				if (entry.pi.CanRead && entry.pi.CanWrite) {
> flags = PropertyFlags.Readable | PropertyFlags.Writable
> | PropertyFlags.StdCppSet
> | PropertyFlags.Scriptable  | PropertyFlags.Designable |
> | PropertyFlags.Stored PropertyFlags.ResolveEditable | (PropertyFlags) (10
> | << 24) ;
Ok, I think, we can always set 'StdCppSet' and 'ResolveEditable'. 'Designable' 
could be left out by default, because we can't design with our own C# GUI 
classes in QtDesigner (or can we?). 'Scriptable' is set, when there is a 
attribute Q_SCRIPTABLE on the property. 'Stored' is then simplay set if the 
property is writable.

>  // properties: name, type, flags
>       109,   115,   0x0a095103
>        0        // eod
> qt_meta_stringdata:
>     "Pong\0D-Bus Interface\0com.trolltech.QtDBus.ComplexPong.Pong\0"
>     "aboutToQuit()\0\0quit()\0query(QString)\0QDBusVariant\0"
>     "value\0QString\0"
> So I'm not sure if we need all those. The (PropertyFlags) (10 << 24) is for
> a QString type, where 10 is the QVariant Type value for a QString.
>     [Q_PROPERTY("QString", "value")]
>     public string value {
>         get {
>             return m_value;
>         }
>         set {
>             m_value = value;
>         }
>     }
> We can use QVariant.NameToType() to look up the value:
> 		public static QVariant.TypeOf NameToType(string name) {
> 			return StaticQVariant().NameToType(name);
> 		}
> Then shift it 24 bits. If the type is invalid, then Property.EnumOrFlag is
> or'd instead.
> Q_PROPERTY could use the same C# type to C++ type method as for slots and
> signals to make the type and name args optional.
Yes, that should be no problem.

> I added some debugging in qt_metacall:
> int qt_metacall(void* obj, int _c, int _id, void* _o) {
> 	// get obj metaobject with a virtual call
> printf("qt_metacall: %d\n", _c);
> And when I queried the complexpong via complexping, it printed out this:
> qt_metacall: 1
> qt_metacall: 2
> qt_metacall: 1
> qt_metacall: 2
> Which are the values of QMetaObject::Call for reading and writing
> properties. So it should be a matter of doing something similar to
> InvokeSlot in qt_metacall() and it will work across dbus. Woo hoo!
Great! :-)
This makes faster progress than I thought.

Arno Rehn
arno at arnorehn.de

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