[Kde-bindings] playground/bindings/kimono

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.co.uk
Thu Feb 8 11:46:33 UTC 2007

On Thursday 08 February 2007 11:17 am, Richard Dale wrote:
> SVN commit 631534 by rdale:
> * Added a strongReferenceMap to hold a mapping from a C++ pointer to
>   a C# instance. It is used to prevent garbage collection for instances
>   which are contained in another instance, such as a QObject with a
>   parent, even when there are no references to the child within the C#
>   Qyoto application code. When the parent finally deletes the child on
>   the C++ side, the reference is removed from the Dictionary by the
>   SmokeMarshallers.UnmapPointer() method.

There are other places where this can happen - not just with QObject 
parent/child relationships. There are also methods where the reverse happens. 
You could look at the PyQt .sip files to see all the places where it needs to 
be considered - just grep for '/Transfer'.


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