[Kde-bindings] playground/bindings/kimono
Richard Dale
Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Mon Feb 5 14:19:11 UTC 2007
SVN commit 630480 by rdale:
* Moved operator methods out of Qt.cs, and made them operator
methods in the classes of their arguments. In Qt.cs they
had to be translated to use names like op_mult() or op_add()
because C# only allows operator methods to be defined in the
class of one of their arguments. Now they are proper operator
methods which looks better
CCMAIL: kde-bindings at kde.org
M +9 -0 ChangeLog
M +0 -6 core/QAbstractEventDispatcher.cs
M +0 -1 core/QAbstractFileEngine.cs
M +0 -1 core/QAbstractFileEngineHandler.cs
M +0 -1 core/QAbstractItemModel.cs
M +0 -1 core/QAbstractListModel.cs
M +0 -1 core/QAbstractTableModel.cs
M +24 -0 core/QBool.cs
M +0 -1 core/QBuffer.cs
M +88 -1 core/QByteArray.cs
M +0 -1 core/QChar.cs
M +0 -1 core/QCharRef.cs
M +0 -1 core/QCoreApplication.cs
M +0 -1 core/QDate.cs
M +0 -1 core/QDateTime.cs
M +0 -1 core/QDir.cs
M +0 -1 core/QEventLoop.cs
M +0 -1 core/QFSFileEngine.cs
M +0 -1 core/QFile.cs
M +0 -1 core/QFileInfo.cs
M +0 -1 core/QFileSystemWatcher.cs
M +0 -1 core/QIODevice.cs
M +0 -1 core/QLibrary.cs
M +0 -1 core/QLibraryInfo.cs
M +5 -0 core/QLine.cs
M +5 -0 core/QLineF.cs
M +0 -1 core/QLocale.cs
M +0 -1 core/QMetaObject.cs
M +0 -1 core/QMimeData.cs
M +0 -1 core/QObject.cs
M +0 -1 core/QObjectCleanupHandler.cs
M +0 -1 core/QPluginLoader.cs
M +46 -5 core/QPoint.cs
M +40 -0 core/QPointF.cs
M +0 -1 core/QProcess.cs
M +15 -0 core/QRect.cs
M +15 -0 core/QRectF.cs
M +0 -1 core/QRegExp.cs
M +0 -1 core/QSettings.cs
M +0 -1 core/QSignalMapper.cs
M +30 -0 core/QSize.cs
M +30 -0 core/QSizeF.cs
M +0 -1 core/QSocketNotifier.cs
M +0 -1 core/QStringMatcher.cs
M +0 -1 core/QTemporaryFile.cs
M +0 -1 core/QTextCodec.cs
M +0 -1 core/QTextCodecFactoryInterface.cs
M +0 -1 core/QTextDecoder.cs
M +0 -1 core/QTextEncoder.cs
M +0 -1 core/QTime.cs
M +0 -1 core/QTimeLine.cs
M +0 -1 core/QTimer.cs
M +0 -1 core/QTranslator.cs
M +0 -1 core/QUrl.cs
M +0 -1 core/QUuid.cs
M +1 -1 core/QVariant.cs
M +0 -423 core/Qt.cs
M +1 -2 examples/tutorial/t1/t1.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAbstractButton.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAbstractItemDelegate.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAbstractItemView.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAbstractPageSetupDialog.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAbstractPrintDialog.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAbstractProxyModel.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAbstractScrollArea.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAbstractSlider.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAbstractTextDocumentLayout.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAccessibleApplication.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAccessibleBridgeFactoryInterface.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAccessibleEvent.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAccessibleInterface.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAccessibleObject.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAccessibleObjectEx.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAccessibleWidget.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAccessibleWidgetEx.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QAction.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QActionGroup.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QApplication.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QBitmap.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QBoxLayout.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QButtonGroup.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QCalendarWidget.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QCheckBox.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QCleanlooksStyle.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QColor.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QColorDialog.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QComboBox.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QCommonStyle.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QCompleter.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QDataWidgetMapper.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QDateEdit.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QDesktopServices.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QDesktopWidget.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QDial.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QDialog.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QDialogButtonBox.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QDirModel.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QDockWidget.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QDrag.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QErrorMessage.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QFileIconProvider.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QFileOpenEvent.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QFocusFrame.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QFont.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QFontComboBox.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QFontDatabase.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QFontDialog.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QFontInfo.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QFontMetrics.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QFontMetricsF.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QFrame.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QGraphicsItem.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QGraphicsItemAnimation.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QGraphicsScene.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QGraphicsSimpleTextItem.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QGraphicsTextItem.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QGraphicsView.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QGridLayout.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QGroupBox.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QHBoxLayout.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QHeaderView.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QIcon.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QIconEngine.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QImage.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QImageReader.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QImageWriter.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QInputContext.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QInputContextFactory.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QInputContextFactoryInterface.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QInputDialog.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QInputMethodEvent.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QItemDelegate.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QItemSelectionModel.cs
M +16 -1 gui/QKeyEvent.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QKeySequence.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QLCDNumber.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QLabel.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QLayout.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QLineEdit.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QListView.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QListWidget.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QListWidgetItem.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QMainWindow.cs
M +40 -0 gui/QMatrix.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QMenu.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QMenuBar.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QMessageBox.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QMovie.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QPageSetupDialog.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QPainter.cs
M +5 -1 gui/QPainterPath.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QPicture.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QPictureIO.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QPixmap.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QPixmapCache.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QPlastiqueStyle.cs
M +5 -0 gui/QPolygon.cs
M +5 -0 gui/QPolygonF.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QPrintDialog.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QPrinter.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QProgressBar.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QProgressDialog.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QPushButton.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QRadioButton.cs
M +5 -0 gui/QRegion.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QRubberBand.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QScrollArea.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QScrollBar.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QSessionManager.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QShortcut.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QSizeGrip.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QSlider.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QSortFilterProxyModel.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QSound.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QSplashScreen.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QSplitter.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QSplitterHandle.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QStackedLayout.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QStackedWidget.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QStandardItem.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QStandardItemModel.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QStatusBar.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QStatusTipEvent.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QStringListModel.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QStyle.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QStyleFactory.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QStyleFactoryInterface.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QStylePainter.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QSyntaxHighlighter.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QSystemTrayIcon.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTabBar.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTabWidget.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTableView.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTableWidget.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTableWidgetItem.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextBlock.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextBlockGroup.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextBrowser.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextCharFormat.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextCursor.cs
M +0 -11 gui/QTextDocument.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextDocumentFragment.cs
M +0 -5 gui/QTextEdit.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextFormat.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextFragment.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextFrame.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextImageFormat.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextItem.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextLayout.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextList.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextObject.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTextTable.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTimeEdit.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QToolBar.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QToolBox.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QToolButton.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QToolTip.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTreeView.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTreeWidget.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QTreeWidgetItem.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QUndoCommand.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QUndoGroup.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QUndoStack.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QUndoView.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QVBoxLayout.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QWhatsThis.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QWhatsThisClickedEvent.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QWidget.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QWidgetAction.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QWindowsStyle.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QWorkspace.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QX11EmbedContainer.cs
M +0 -1 gui/QX11EmbedWidget.cs
M +0 -1 network/QAbstractSocket.cs
M +0 -1 network/QFtp.cs
M +8 -1 network/QHostAddress.cs
M +0 -1 network/QHostInfo.cs
M +0 -1 network/QHttp.cs
M +0 -1 network/QHttpHeader.cs
M +0 -1 network/QHttpRequestHeader.cs
M +0 -1 network/QHttpResponseHeader.cs
M +0 -1 network/QNetworkInterface.cs
M +0 -1 network/QNetworkProxy.cs
M +0 -1 network/QTcpServer.cs
M +0 -1 network/QTcpSocket.cs
M +0 -1 network/QUdpSocket.cs
M +0 -1 network/QUrlInfo.cs
M +0 -1 opengl/QGLContext.cs
M +15 -0 opengl/QGLFormat.cs
M +0 -1 opengl/QGLPixelBuffer.cs
M +0 -1 opengl/QGLWidget.cs
M +0 -1 qdbus/QDBusAbstractAdaptor.cs
M +0 -1 qdbus/QDBusAbstractInterface.cs
M +0 -1 qdbus/QDBusConnection.cs
M +0 -1 qdbus/QDBusConnectionInterface.cs
M +0 -9 qdbus/QDBusError.cs
M +0 -1 qdbus/QDBusInterface.cs
M +0 -1 qdbus/QDBusMessage.cs
M +0 -1 qdbus/QDBusServer.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlDatabase.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlDriver.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlDriverFactoryInterface.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlError.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlField.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlIndex.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlQuery.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlQueryModel.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlRecord.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlRelation.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlRelationalTableModel.cs
M +0 -1 sql/QSqlTableModel.cs
M +0 -1 svg/QSvgRenderer.cs
M +0 -1 svg/QSvgWidget.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QDomAttr.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QDomCharacterData.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QDomDocumentType.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QDomElement.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QDomEntity.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QDomImplementation.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QDomNamedNodeMap.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QDomNode.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QDomNotation.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QDomProcessingInstruction.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlAttributes.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlContentHandler.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlDTDHandler.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlDeclHandler.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlDefaultHandler.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlEntityResolver.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlErrorHandler.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlInputSource.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlLexicalHandler.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlParseException.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlReader.cs
M +0 -1 xml/QXmlSimpleReader.cs
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