[Kde-bindings] Qyoto DBUS patch

Arno Rehn arno at arnorehn.de
Fri Sep 15 22:34:27 UTC 2006


just copied some code over from QtRuby and (hopefully) implemented Slot Return 
Invoke patch with '-p0 slotreturnval.patch'

But I still wonder where we need signal return values. I can understand that a 
DBUS slot should return something, but a signal? I can't imagine a situation 
where a signal actually needs to return a value...
And to make a signal be able to return something we would have to change the 
whole C#-signal thing, don't we? At the moment all the signals are only 
defined in a interface, therefore they have no extra code that may make them 
return something.

Arno Rehn
arno at arnorehn.de
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