[Kde-bindings] Unable to build kdebindings 3.5.5

Simon Edwards simon at simonzone.com
Sat Oct 21 11:29:34 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 17 October 2006 20:52, solsTiCe wrote:
> i can't either compile kdebindings 3.5.5 on slackware 11 with python 2.4.3
> or python 2.4.4c1. 
> i got a similar error:

> i just try to compile it from a lightly modified slackbuild with
> fakeroot sh kdebindings.SlackBuild

It sounds like a report a I got from the Slackware maintianer. Here is the 
relevant bit of that email:

> There is a fatal bug in the SIP source code 
> that is shipping with KDE 3.5.5 which causes a segmentation fault when 
> running "sip" (in python/sip/sipgen/sip) as part of configure.py.
> Look at the source file python/sip/sipgen/gencode.c.  On line 3056, a 
> call to prcode() is made.  The format string has two format specifiers 
> '%C' and '%C' again.  But there is only ONE argument: classFQCName(cd).  
> The missing second parameter causes a segfault to occur within prcode().
> The simple fix for this is to add another instance of classFQCName(cd) 
> to the call to prcode().  Line 3056 would then look like this:
>                         ,classFQCName(cd),classFQCName(cd));
> This works for me, and compilation of kdebindings can continue after 
> that fix.

I'm not sure why this is only showing up on Slackware. The code here hasn't 
been changed recently. Is Slackware using some uncommon options for g++, or a 
rare version of g++? or something?


Simon Edwards             | KDE-NL, Guidance tools, Guarddog Firewall
simon at simonzone.com       | http://www.simonzone.com/software/
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."

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