[Kde-bindings] Qyoto: Movable QDockWidgets

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Wed Oct 18 17:02:20 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 18 October 2006 17:31, Arno Rehn wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just tried to convert some other examples from C++ to C# and
> recognized that QDockWidgets are not movable. I've written this small
> example:
> using Qyoto;
> class Window : QMainWindow {
> 	public Window() : base() {
> 		SetCentralWidget(new QTextEdit(this));
> 		QDockWidget dock = new QDockWidget(this);
> 		dock.SetWidget(new QTextEdit(dock));
> 		AddDockWidget(Qt.DockWidgetArea.LeftDockWidgetArea, dock);
> 	}
> 	public static int Main(string[] args) {
> 		new QApplication(args);
> 		Window w = new Window();
> 		w.Show();
> 		return QApplication.Exec();
> 	}
> }
> Normally the QDockWidget should be movable. The same example in C++ works
> as expected. Any ideas?
Hmm, it doesn't work for me either. I tried it in QtRuby and that was fine, so 
it isn't something to do with the Smoke library. The only thing I can think 
is that events are being lost because Qt thinks an event handler is being 
overriden when it isn't. So perhaps the best thing is to try monitoring the 
overloaded virtual method callbacks to see if there is anything funny going 
on with them. 

-- Richard

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