[Kde-bindings] Qyoto: SIGNALS/SLOTS

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Tue Feb 14 20:33:38 UTC 2006

On Sunday 12 February 2006 17:58, Arno Rehn wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2006 19:23 schrieb Richard Dale:
> > I haven't finished the runtime QMetaObject creation yet, but I'll
> > check in what I have and explain what needs to be done.
> Don't want to get on your nerves, but you already have checked it in,
> but there's no explanation yet... ;)
I'm sorry about the delay. I've just added a ChangeLog and a TODO list to the 
project. I'm not sure if it's 100% clear, but here is the text of the TODO 
below. It should be possible to start with the setting up of the Q_EMIT 
instance variable, and I'll try and clarify the rest if you want to ask any 

-- Richard

* Change the way the signals interceptor 'Q_EMIT' is set up
	* At the moment each generated QObject subclass has some code like
		this to set up Q_EMIT

		protected new void CreateSignalProxy() {
			SignalInvocation realProxy = new SignalInvocation(typeof(IQWidgetSignals), 
			Q_EMIT = (IQWidgetSignals) realProxy.GetTransparentProxy();
		protected new IQWidgetSignals Emit() {
			return (IQWidgetSignals) Q_EMIT;

	* Change the way it works so that instead it is set up in the dummy 
in QObject.cs:

 		protected QObject(Type dummy) : base((Type) null) {}

	* Every subclass of QObject calls this constructor. From the current instance 
the Emit() method via reflection, then obtain the return type. The return type 
can then
be use to create a transparent proxy which is assigned to Q_EMIT
	* Change the code generation in kalyptus to generate code for the new way of 
up Q_EMIT.

* Add a Qyoto class to Qyoto.cs with some static methods.
	* Obtain the C++ type string of each signal in a QObject class. First get the
interface which is the return type of the class's Emit() method via 
reflection. Next get
all the methods in the interface and extract their C++ Q_SIGNAL attribute 
	* Obtain all the C++ type strings for a class's slots by getting all the 
methods for the
class via reflection, and extracting any C++ type strings if they have a 
Q_SLOT attribute.
Add the C++ string to a hash table as a key, with the C# method as a value . 
This hash table 
is held within another Hashtable with the class name as key (this is very 
similar to the 
Hashtables used for looking up C# virtual methods given a  C++ type string in 
SmokeInvocation.cs) .
	* Add another Hashtable to Qyoto with a String of a class name as key, and a 
instance as a value.
	* Add declarations for the C functions in qt3qyoto.cpp that create a 
QMetaObject at runtime
so they can be called from C#. As each signal or slot C++ string is obtained 
above, use it as an arg to 
pass to a suitable C function to construct a QMetaObject.
	* Add a static method which can be called from C to look up a class's 
QOMetaObject in the
Hashtable described above. If the QMetaObject doesn't exist then create it.

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