[Kde-bindings] Qt3 Kimono version - got it compiled

Arno Rehn kde-bindings at arnorehn.de
Sun Nov 27 19:30:11 UTC 2005

Am Freitag, 25. November 2005 20:23 schrieb Arno Rehn:
> > > I don't know why this happens, I really didn't do ANYTHING on my
> > > system, I just started the program again and this was the result.
> >
> > Yes, it won't do anything because I hadn't got as far as the code to
> > invoke a method. I'll have a look at what is going wrong with the method
> > look up. I also can't remember how far I got with marshalling C# args to
> > C++ ones and putting them on the Smoke::Stack.
> But why had it already worked? I had a real Window with a real TextEdit and
> a real PushButton on my Display...
> I took a look at your "doit.cs" (doit.exe makes no problems while
> executing) - I don't know what it should do but I found the lines
> 	[DllImport("libqyoto", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
> 	static extern void Init_qyoto();
> in the file. When I add the same in my Code and call Init_qyoto() at the
> beginning there isn't this SIGSEV error anymore. Then there's only an error
> that an Index is less than 0...

OK, I have experimented a bit with the bindings, and it seems, that the 
methods are successfully looked up, except the constructors of QApplication. 
If I leave the QApplication-declaration out, the other methods are 
successfully looked up, but they do not execute as they should (the console 
output says, they all return 999). This seems to be normal, if you create an 
application with Qt# or in C++ you also get an error, if you try to call a 
method before a QApplication was initialized. Maybe the problem is that you 
pass the constructor in the bindings only one argument ( string[] args ), in 
C++ you have to pass argc and argv.

Arno Rehn
arno at arnorehn.de

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