[Kde-bindings] More dcop signal questions

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Thu Jun 9 05:13:42 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 08 June 2005 20:41, Chris Gow wrote:
> Hello:
> So I'm still trying to get my head around dcop signals. These may be
> korundum specific or KDE dcop signals as a whole (I'm learning both :).
> Anyways on with my questions (all of my questions are based on the examples
> provided in examples/dcop):
> 1. How come dcopslot.rb has to be started after dcopsignal.rb? If I reverse
> the starting order or restart dcopsignal, the doit( ) slot in dcopslot is
> never called.
The connect call in dcopslot.rb has 'volatile' as true, so the connect only 
works if the sender exists:

result = slottest.connectDCOPSignal("dcopsignal", "SenderWidget",
 "testEmitSignal(QString)", "mySlot(QString)", true)

> 2. Why does dcopsignal need to be a KDE::UniqueApplication in order for the
> signal/slot mechanism to work? I would like dcopslot to listen to all
> instances of dcopsignal. How would I go about configuring dcopslot to do
> this?
It will work as a KDE::Application, but the dcop ref has the pid as part of 
its name, for instance 'konqueror-1977', rather than just 'konqueror' for a 

> 3. In the documentation for dcop signals on the KDE developer site, I
> should be able to connect a slot to any signal with the following line
> (this is C++): connectDCOPSignal(0, 0, "clientDied(pid_t)",
> "clientDied(pid_t)", false); can I do something similar in korundum?
> (related to 2 above)
Yes, I would expect it to work - if not report any problems on kdebindings..

-- Richard

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