[Kde-bindings] qtruby on macosx

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Fri Jun 4 08:38:46 UTC 2004

On Friday 04 June 2004 08:32, Alexander Kellett wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 03:59:05PM +1000, jm wrote:
> > I'm attempting to get qtruby going on a macosx machine without any
> > luck. 
> i'll work on getting qtruby without kde working again on sunday.
> unfortunately i can't work on the mac os x specifics, but i hope
> that getting this setup working at least will simplify the job
> for you.
I've just got QtRuby working on Mac OS X as it happens, after seeing the 
question on rubytalk last week. It might be best to set it up as a 
ProjectBuilder or XCode for the Mac so building and installing is a bit 
easier. I'm not sure how well autoconf/automake work on the Mac. But here's 
what I did:

- Installed ruby 1.8 via fink in /sw

- Built and installed Qt 3.3.2 in /Developer/qt

- Generated the smoke sources on Linux in kdebindings/smoke/qt and copied them 
to Mac OS X (I haven't tried generating them on Mac OS yet, but that should 
be no problem).

- I generated a Makefile (attached) to build the libsmokeqt.dylib via qmake 
from smokeqt.pro. 
$ qmake -makefile

- Build the smoke lib and install in /usr/lib, or create a symlink:
$ ln -sf <smoke dir>/libsmokeqt.dylib /usr/lib

- I generated a Makefile for the qtruby extension with extconf, and then 
hacked it by hand (see attached)

- QtRuby on Mac should build as a bundle 'qtruby.bundle', and that should be 
installed, along with the Qt.rb and Qt/qtruby.rb ruby sources.

- Copied /sw/bin/ruby to /sw/bin/rubyw, and then ran this command:
$ /Developer/Tools/Rez -t APPL Carbon.r -o rubyw

You can then ruby QtRuby apps from the command line:
$ rubyw t1.rb

..and the menus with work ok, but if you just use 'ruby t1.rb', they won't.

I still haven't managed to create a double clickable app that can be started 
from the Finder though.

-- Richard
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# Automatically generated by qmake (1.04a) Tue May 25 03:20:31 2004


# Input
HEADERS += qt_smoke.h
SOURCES += smokedata.cpp \
           x_1.cpp \
           x_10.cpp \
           x_11.cpp \
           x_12.cpp \
           x_13.cpp \
           x_14.cpp \
           x_15.cpp \
           x_16.cpp \
           x_17.cpp \
           x_18.cpp \
           x_19.cpp \
           x_2.cpp \
           x_20.cpp \
           x_3.cpp \
           x_4.cpp \
           x_5.cpp \
           x_6.cpp \
           x_7.cpp \
           x_8.cpp \
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