[Kde-bindings] Release at the end of the month

ian reinhart geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 14 12:43:33 UTC 2004

Richard Dale said:
> On Wednesday 14 April 2004 07:42, Dominique Devriese wrote:
>> Richard Dale writes:
>> >> Note that I'm not commenting on the benefits of a separate release
>> >> in general.  Personally, I'd like to see it happen, because of the
>> >> interest it may create.  I'm wondering about whether this doesn't
>> >> need to be discussed on kde-core-devel as well ?
>> >
>> > I don't think we need a seperate bindings release. But the current
>> > KDE release rules seem to mean that if you can't get something ready
>> > for the initial KDE xx.0 release, then you can't add it
>> > subsequently. This isn't intentional,
>> I think this is very intentional.  New features also means new bugs
>> and new translatable strings, two things that should be avoided in a
>> release freeze.
> I don't think being able to program kde apps in ruby or python is a
> 'feature',
> and as far as I know nobody does any string translations of kdebindings.
> I'm
> not sure if there are any strings - they would be in the ruby apps that
> you
> write with the bindings.
We i18n all of our error and warning messages in kjsembed.  there are a
few other i18n()'s returned in a simple grep... not sure how many are
actual bindings but still.

>> > but bindings aren't like kdelibs or kde apps and it isn't possible
> I'm not sure why we can't add stuff like PyKDE for KDE 3.2.3, if we don't
> need
> string translations etc - I'm not sure what the dependencies are.

Because these are all new features.  A feature is a feature no matter how
much we try to reword it.  IMHO its more obvious to packagers and users if
we do another release than to dork around shoehorning stuff in just to
annoy the i18n teams and bug reporters.... i can just see "no you need KDE
3.2.4 to use that feature"  this is what we seek to avoid.

Im not sure what the aversion to a interum release is anyway.  in fact I
might suggest kdebindings be released 2 months after every major KDE
release to ensure that we have enough time to catch up to API changes.

-ian reinhart geiser
--:Ian Reinhart Geiser <geiseri at yahoo.com>
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