[Kde-bindings] Blowin' smoke your way

Ashley Winters jahqueel at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 8 07:55:46 UTC 2003

Howdy all,

I thought I'd toss you an update as far as where Smoke v2 is headed. I
have... changed my mind a few times since this experiment began. :)

Without further ado, go ahead and take a look at the state-of-the-art
XML representation (it's an RDF serialization, but I digress) of a few
functions in QWidget (they're toward the end).


It's not a hierarchial XML tree like past formats. Instead, each tag is
describing a single function/class/whatever in the smoke 'space'.

Oh, and for a quick primer as to what in the heck RDF is supposed to
mean, allow me to translate into Perl.

1: <Foo rdf:about="something">
2:    <bar rdf:resource="whatever"/>
3: </Foo>

Any tags which begin with a Capital letter are classes, and can be
thought of as a class in a perl-sense. An rdf:about attribute specifies
the actual object which is a member of that class.

Think of line 1 being the moral equivalent of:

bless $something, 'Foo';

Any lower-case tags should be considered like hash keys. So, line 2 is
the moral equivalent of:

$something->{bar} = \$whatever;

That also points out the meaning of rdf:resource in referring to some
other object (by reference).

Of course, in RDF all these objects/keys/values are called
subjects/predicates/objects, and all have ridiculously long URIs as
names instead of $something or $whatever. However, it's simple enough
to think of them that way for our purposes

Well, that's enough of that. Don't stare at the XML too hard. I don't
want people getting a headache over something I'm liable to change
radically again anyways. Anyways, it makes a pretty graph.


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