[Kde-bindings] puic QListView code generation problem

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Mon Sep 1 09:15:19 UTC 2003

I've just been updating the rbuic for the Qt 3.2 style of uic code generation 
- it generates a 'languageChanged()' slot where all the text items of the 
widgets are set up. When the puic is updated, it might help to do a patch of 
rbuic before and after to see what's changed. It was really fiddly using Kate 
with the split view going through the uic and rbuic sources visually 
inspecting what had changed.

While I was doing that, I noticed a subtle problem in the puic code generation 
for the QListView in the widgetsbase.ui example used in the Qt demo.

In puic/PerlQt, the listview looks like this:

Things                           Text                       Comment
Airbrush icon                  Arrow icon              Standard paint tool
Eraser icon                    Arrow icon               Standard paint tool
    Draft #1
        Inbox                    143 messages         (5 new)

Whereas the C++ version looks like this:

Things                           Text                       Comment
Airbrush icon                  Arrow icon              Standard paint tool
Inbox                             143 messages        (5 new)
    Draft #1
Eraser icon                    Arrow icon               Standard paint tool

Here is the PerlQt code generated:

    my $item = Qt::ListViewItem(ListView3, undef);
    $item->setText(0, trUtf8("Airbrush"));
    $item->setPixmap(0, $image35);
    $item->setPixmap(1, $image36);
    $item->setText(2, trUtf8("Standard paint tool"));

    my $item = Qt::ListViewItem(ListView3, $item);
    $item->setPixmap(0, $image37);
    $item->setText(1, trUtf8("Eraser"));
    $item->setPixmap(1, $image36);
    $item->setText(2, trUtf8("Standard paint tool"));

    my $item = Qt::ListViewItem(ListView3, $item);
    my $item_2 = Qt::ListViewItem($item, $item);
    my $item = Qt::ListViewItem($item_2, $item);
    $item->setText(0, trUtf8("Draft #1"));
    $item->setPixmap(0, $image39);
    $item_2->setText(0, trUtf8("Local"));
    my $item = Qt::ListViewItem($item, $item_2);
    $item->setText(0, trUtf8("Server"));
    $item->setText(0, trUtf8("Inbox"));
    $item->setPixmap(0, $image38);
    $item->setText(1, trUtf8("143 messages"));
    $item->setText(2, trUtf8("(5 new)"));

Each time it creates a new ListViewItem under ListView3, it adds it after 
'$item'. This is the C++ version, which looks pretty similar, so I assume the 
problem is related to declaring 'my $item' several times.

    QListViewItem * item = new QListViewItem( ListView3, 0 );
    item->setText( 0, tr( "Airbrush" ) );
    item->setPixmap( 0, image35 );
    item->setPixmap( 1, image36 );
    item->setText( 2, tr( "Standard paint tool" ) );

    item = new QListViewItem( ListView3, item );
    item->setPixmap( 0, image37 );
    item->setText( 1, tr( "Eraser" ) );
    item->setPixmap( 1, image36 );
    item->setText( 2, tr( "Standard paint tool" ) );

    QListViewItem * item_2 = new QListViewItem( ListView3, item );
    item_2->setOpen( TRUE );
    QListViewItem * item_3 = new QListViewItem( item_2, item );
    item_3->setOpen( TRUE );
    item = new QListViewItem( item_3, item );
    item->setText( 0, tr( "Draft #1" ) );
    item->setPixmap( 0, image39 );
    item_3->setText( 0, tr( "Local" ) );
    item_2->setOpen( TRUE );
    item = new QListViewItem( item_2, item_3 );
    item->setText( 0, tr( "Server" ) );
    item_2->setText( 0, tr( "Inbox" ) );
    item_2->setPixmap( 0, image38 );
    item_2->setText( 1, tr( "143 messages" ) );
    item_2->setText( 2, tr( "(5 new)" ) );

-- Richard

PS: Apologies for incoherent drunk Saturday night postings on the kde-perl 
list, and perl cluelessness - I've banned myself now! No ruby on kde-perl, 
only here on kdebindings, as it confuses everyone (and even when I'm sober 
maybe :) ).

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