[Kde-bindings] Finding "exported" classes/functions in KDE

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at voix.home.geiseri.com
Mon Mar 31 02:25:20 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 16 March 2003 05:23 pm, Ashley Winters wrote:
> My current plan for Qt is to scan the header files for all functions
> and classes declared with Q_EXPORT, and create bindings for them. This
> will allow the qVersion() qDraw*() and operator<< functions to all
> receive bindings, as well as allow any "private" classes to remain
> private, should the trolls so desire. Also, it might help the binding
> generate Windows-friendly DLLs.
> It doesn't seem that KDE has any sort of parallel declaration in its
> headers. Is there any sort of definitive "list" of classes, or any
> automated way to determine which KDE classes to include/exclude from a
> library binding?
I ve actually tried this in the past when i had to port parts of KDElibs to 
win32.  Its an annoying process, but ideally we may want to commit this code 
to kdelibs someday... granted it may start a flame war ;)

One of the biggest problems ive had with swig so far in Qt/KDE is we have so 
many wacky macros that C++ can barely handle swig chokes hard.  If we can get 
over this hurdle, generateing solid swig bindings could become quite trivial.    
Currently to get swig to grok qt/tools and qt/kernel ive had to basicly copy 
the headers, expand what macros i can, and go from there... its an annoying 
process, and VERY slow.

In all of my years of Swig and c++ ive never had SO MUCH trouble wrapping a 
library ;)

	-ian reinhart geiser

- -- 
- --:Ian Reinhart Geiser <geiseri at yahoo.com>
- --:Public Key: http://geiseri.myip.org:8080/publickey.txt
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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