[Kde-bindings] QtRuby virtual method callbacks

Germain Garand germain at ebooksfrance.org
Tue Jul 22 23:11:55 UTC 2003

Le Lundi 21 Juillet 2003 20:30, Richard Dale a écrit :

> Ah I see! The trouble is the pseudo-code looks a lot like the actual perl,
> and I'm not much of a perl expert at all, and didn't understand what it
> means. But it shouldn't be too difficult to sort out - one of my ruby books
>  'The Ruby Way' has a really good section called 'From Perl to Ruby' - I
> think it's just a matter of going through all the perl type mappings and
> seeing how they compare with ruby types.

Just to clarify further the confusing part : what was meant by the original 
ref() test in Perl code is simply  "is the argument a complex/composite 
object, like an array or a hash" ... 
Perl has no way to pass such an object directly in the @_ array because it 
would be flattened, so Perl coders use references to hashes or arrays (e.g 
foo(\@bar) )
This has nothing to do with C++ refs, which are handled by the handlers.cpp

Otherwise, good news: I eventually "solved" the linux dl problem by simply 
doing LD_PRELOAD=<path>/Qt.so the_prog.rb
Bliss! :-)


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