[Kde-bindings] Re: Current status of binge

Adam Treat manyoso at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 18 18:51:14 UTC 2003

Hello Patrick,

On Saturday 18 January 2003 05:18 pm, Patrick Hartling wrote:
> Yeterday, I ran across the work being done on binge to automate the
> generation of C# bindings for Qt.  It looks like exactly what I need to
> allow the use of roughly 350 C++ classes with the .NET languages.  I am
> quite anxious to put binge to use if I can.
> I have checked out the current Qt# source from CVS, but I am finding
> that the parser tool for generating an XML API file has some limitations
> when there are method implementations inlined in class declarations.  Is
> there any other tool for generating these API files?  If not, is there
> any interest in patches to extend the capabilities of the parser
> utility, or should I just hack together some preprocessing scripts for
> my own use?  I'm fairly new to C#, but I think I could probably take a
> stab at making additions to the parser.

We would gladly accept any patches to improve the parser.  That being said, we 
are considering a move away from the parser and towards an application that 
would modify and XML'ify the output of gcc's -f-dump option.  Work on this 
has already begun and you can read about it on the kdebindings list as well 
as here.

We are considering this shift because our Parser is reaching the maximum of 
it's capabilities without a major rewrite which would parse a more complete 
set of the C++ syntax.  Using gcc has the advantage because it can already 
parse the full range of C++ syntax.  You should speak with Marcus and Ashley 
about this as they are kind of the experts on the parsing options.

We would also gladly accept patches and improvements to binge proper if you 
create them.  Am going to forward to the kdebindings list.  I would encourage 
you to drop by our IRC chat room and hopefully catch one of us when we are 
around so we can discuss further.

IRC channel #qtsharp on Freenode.net



PS: If it would make sense and people are interested perhaps we can create 
#kde-bindings on freenode.net and move the #qtsharp discussion over there if 
the other kdebindings developers are interested...

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