[Kde-bindings] permanent URIs

Ashley Winters jahqueel at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 10 03:02:41 UTC 2003

Howdy folks,

I've come scurrying out from behind the rocks to float an idea past
you. If you have a long memory, you know I'm auto-generating some
RDF/XML voodoo to completely specify the API of KDE. Since every method
in KDE will have a URI, I'd like a permanent place to house the
resulting data.

For instance, here is an example (non-existant, as yet) URI that I am
contemplating use of right now (it's a doozy):


Some sample XML from /kde/3.2/kdeui would look like so:

<!ENTITY kdeui "http://rdf.kde.org/kde/3.2/kdeui#">
<!ENTITY qt "http://rdf.kde.org/qt/3.2.3/qt#">

<Class rdf:about="&kdeui;KPushButton" cpp:name="KPushButton">
  <scope rdf:resource="&kdeui;"/>
  <base rdf:parseType="Collection">
      <access rdf:resource="&public;"/>
      <type rdf:resource="&qt;QWidget"/>
  <access rdf:resource="&public;"/>
  <scope rdf:resource="&kdeui;KPushButton"/>

  <!-- type means the type of a pointer to this function.
       All functions with the same type can be called the same way -->

  <!-- The function-type has no knowledge of parameter names
       or default values. Since PerlQt-4 will support calling
       methods like $pb->addButton(-text => "Okey Dokie"), we
       need to elaborate on what arguments can be passed here -->
  <arguments rdf:parseType="Collection">
    <!-- the type of these arguments is already known from <type> -->
    <rdf:Description cpp:name="text" />
    <rdf:Description cpp:name="noexpand">
      <default rdf:resource="&false;" />

That concludes today's RDF exposition. Is my idea of rdf.kde.org too
much? Would it be worth proposing once I come up with some
library-specific XML files and a version of smoke to use them? :)

Ashley Winters

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