Massif Visualizer 0.8.0 released

Heiko Becker heiko.becker at
Wed May 8 18:03:42 BST 2024


Massif Visualizer 0.8.0 has been just released! The main focus of this 
release is the port to Qt6 and KDE Frameworks 6 as well as general code 
modernisation, but of course some bugs have been squashed too. The full 
changelog can be found below.

About Massif Visualizer:
Massif Visualizer is a tool that - who'd guess that - visualizes massif 
data. You run your application in Valgrind with --tool=massif and then open 
the generated file in the visualizer. Gzip or Bzip2 compressed massif files 
can also be opened transparently.

You can learn more at

Download from:


Signed with the following PGP key:
D81C 0CB3 8EB7 25EF 6691  C385 BB46 3350 D6EF 31EF

Full changelog:
* appdata: Add upcoming 0.8.0 release
* Unbreak KDE CI config: require "@stable-kf6" branch of 
* KDE CI: require tests to pass (for platforms where they currently do)
* KDE CI config: require "@same" branch of kgraphviewer
* appstream: use new id without hyphen
* Port away from QScopedPointer
* ParseWorker: fix switched error title & text for empty data file
* Overhaul action & title texts to follow KDE HIG, add more UI marker 
* Config dialog: align "Shorten Templates" checkbox with form 
* Config dialog: avoid full-width comboboxes, use system style
* Update outdated Kate editor setting replace-trailing-space-save
* Use more function-pointer-based Qt signal/slot connections
* Remove some unused includes
* Use KStandardAction (member-)function-pointer-based overloads
* Use ECM-requirement-derived default KDE_COMPILERSETTINGS_LEVEL
* Drop any margins around document & tool views
* Use QList directly instead of Qt6-times alias QVector
* Switch from target_link_libraries' legacy LINK_PRIVATE to PRIVATE
* Use more target-centric cmake code
* CMake: remove unneeded explicit addition of current dirs to include dirs
* Fix build with older cmake: -D not expected with COMPILE_DEFINITIONS
* Update homepage to
* Use as source location for KGraphViewerPart
* Set version to 0.8.0
* Use CMake's project(VERSION)
* Drop support for Qt5/KF5
* Support Qt6/KF6 builds
* Rely on CMake's autorcc (enabled by KDECMakeSettings) to add Qt 
* Use ECMDeprecationSettings
* Use KF6-proof KConfigGroup::group() overload
* Port away from deprecated KPluginFactory::create() overload
* Port away from deprecated KPluginLoader::factory()
* Port away from deprecated KFilterDev
* Port away from deprecated QPrinter::pageRect()
* Port away from deprecated QDesktopWidget
* Port away from deprecated QString::split overload
* Port away from deprecated QPixmap::grabWidget
* Port away from deprecated QTreeView::sortByColumn overload
* Port away from ModelTest copy to QAbstractItemModelTester
* Adapt iterator type to match actual type returned from QHash method
* Add explicit QRegExp includes
* Port away from deprecated QAlgorithmsPrivate::qReverse
* Port away from deprecated qSort
* Bump min required CMake/Qt/ECM/KF to 3.16/5.15.2/5.100/5.100
* appstream: use https for screenshot links
* appstream: use desktop-application type, add developer & launchable 
* Appdata: Add developer name
* [CI/CD] Add flatpak job
* [CI] Don't depend on kgraphviewer on Windows
* Port to new CI template syntax
* snapcraft: initial import snapcraft files.
* Deploy ui.rc files as Qt resource
* Move Flatpak CI to GitLab
* Add explicit moc includes to sources for moc-covered headers
* Use non-deprecated KDEInstallDirs variables
* Install translations
* Port away from deprecated KMessageBox::sorry
* Remove arcconfig
* Remove unused include
* Use imported target for KGraphViewerPart
* debug
* Add Gitlab CI
* Remove unused XmlPatterns
* Add some missing linkages
* appdata.xml: Minor fixes for submission to Flathub
* Fix minor issues found by EBN
* fix xml
* update screenshot
* Set StartupWMClass in desktop file
* ui.rc files: use <gui> instead of deprecated <kpartgui>
* Do not duplicate work done by KAboutData::setupCommandLine()
* Use nullptr
* Use override
* Fix window icon for non-desktopfile WM to own icon 
* Properly support BUILD_TESTING
* Remove explicit enable_testing(), duplicated from KDECMakeSettings
* Bump min cmake version to 3.0
* Remove explicit use of ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR, is part of ECM_MODULE_PATH
* Fix minor EBN issues

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