QCA 2.3.4

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Tue Sep 14 20:57:02 BST 2021

A new bugfix release of QCA, the cross-platform cryptography API for Qt,
is out!


 * OpenSSL 3 support
 * Don't create pkgconfig files for Qt 6 builds
 * Minor test fix

The OpenSSL 3 support is not super super tested, so feedback welcome, it compiles and the tests pass (which is already a thing since it helped uncover some openssl 3 bugs when testing with the openssl 3 beta release).

This release is signed by Harald Sitter's GPG key:
  CB93 8752 1E1E E012 7DA8  0484 3FDB B550 84CC 5D84


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