KDiagram (KChart, KGantt) version 2.7.0 released

Dag danders at get2net.dk
Tue Apr 21 20:08:28 BST 2020

KDiagram is the powerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating 
business diagrams.

* Add timeline and a settings dialog to enable user control
Adds an entry to the context menu.

* Let the selectionmodel control the selection of items

* Fix crash when setGraphivsView() is called
This patch introduces getGrid() and takeGrid() methods that ensures a 
valid grid is always returned.

* Fix Bug 420180 - Gaps not respected when x-axis is reversed
Affects Bar diagrams of type stacked and percent, and also y-axis when 
diagram orientation is horizontal.

* Legend: Add new paint method
Enables painting to any device when legend is stand-alone

* Give Rulerattributes a ruler pen

* Reimplement Chart::paint() to fix printing issues
The previous implementation did not take the headers and footers into 
account when resizing the diagram.

* Don't hardcode default text color but use the palette
Produces a much better result on dark color themes.

* Fix build issues when qreal == float.
Use explicit template arguments or cast double literals to qreal where 
there are ambiguities resolving template overloads.

Cheers, Dag

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