wacomtablet 3.1.0 released

Valerii Malov jazzvoid at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 16:19:48 UTC 2018

wacomtablet 3.1.0 has been released couple of days ago. It includes
mostly bug fixes, calibration improvements and libwacom support (minimum
recommended version of libwacom is 0.29).


GPG fingerprint: E6E4 C916 5900 26E4 5836  A12E A889 6AFD FEF5 DF53

Major changes:
* LibWacom support. This should get our number of supported tablets out
of the box on par with GNOME. Right now built-in database and
user-configured database still take preference over libwacom, but this
should change in the future releases.
* Calibration improvements: calibration of Cintiq devices should be
vastly improved, UI now has options to lock mapped area proportions and
manually fine-tune area's coordinates. Also, the dialog should now open
on the correct screen and look fine with dark themes too.
* Support for devices that report different USB IDs for touchscreen and
may be detected as two different devices (e.g. Cintiq Companion Hybrid).
These devices need to be described via Wacom Tablet finder tool first,

Other changes:
* Logging has been ported to QLoggingCategory (so now users have to
enable it in kdebugsettings).
* Status LED support improvements (Vangelis Tasoulas, Jason Gerecke).
* Touchscreen rotation should now follow tablet rotation.

Full changelog at: https://cgit.kde.org/wacomtablet.git/log/?h=3.1

New devices in built-in database:
* Wacom Intuos Pro L (PTH-860, 2017) (Melvin Vermeeren)
* Lenovo Yoga 520 (Felipe Abrahao)
* ThinkPad Yoga 460 definition  (Albert Astals Cid)
* Wacom Intuos Pro 2 M (Jeff H)

Best regards,
Valeriy Malov

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