Homerun 1.2.1 released

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Fri Mar 21 07:46:18 UTC 2014

--- Description ---

Homerun is a suite of launcher interfaces for the KDE Plasma Workspace,
for use on the full screen, the desktop background and panels.

--- Release Notes ---

Homerun 1.2.1 is a maintenance release that provides several bugfixes
over the previous stable version.

In the "All Installed Applications with Filters" source, the "All App-
lications" section will no longer disappear on certain system applica-
tion database changes, and it will no longer show duplicate applica-

Tabs will no longer allow sections of icons to overlap.

The configuration of the Homerun Launcher widget can now be precon-
figured by vendors using Plasma Desktop scripting.

Download available at:

--- Links ---

* http://userbase.kde.org/Homerun

Bug tracker:

Best regards,
Eike Hein

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