Amarok Reader 1.0

michael camico at
Sat Jun 29 16:33:07 UTC 2013

Name: Amarok Reader
Version: 1.0
Type: Amarok 2.0 Script
License: GPL
More Info:

 Displays text or html files found in the playing
directory and (optionally) web reviews for the
currently playing album.

This is basically my Amarok 1.4 script
[b]conTEXT[/b] ported to Amarok 2.x.
Now it will open a separate window as it is still
impossible for scripts to insert something into
the context view in Amarok 2. Which is one of the
reasons for the new name :) I\'ll have a look what
can be done to achieve better integration in the

By default the window will open automatically when
you start Amarok. This can be turned off in the
Settings menu. Also you can close and re-open it
anytime and even assign it a shortcut in Settings
> Configure Shortcuts. If you use kwin as a window
manager (KDE default), you can easily make the
window remember its size and position: Right-click
title bar > More Actions > Special Window

The script tries to read the font and color set in
KDE config, so it should roughly match your
desktop appearance. If it doesn\'t work for you,
please report and I will try to fix it.

Old reviews downloaded by conTEXT in Amarok 1.4
should mostly still work.

[b]Usage[/b]: The icon in the upper left corner
will open the review search menu. Here you can
click a site name to start a single search, select
sites for auto-search on album change, or manually
start a search on all sites. Found reviews are
stored in the playing directory. The menu includes
two buttons for opening the current file
externally and for moving it to trash.

[b]Navigation[/b]: Use the left/right buttons or
mouse wheel on the header bar to switch between
multiple files. Hover over the up/down arrows to
scroll comfortably. Left-click to speed up.
Right-click to jump a page up/down. Click the
little bar to jump to top/bottom.

[b]System requirements[/b]: Amarok >= [b]2.6[/b],
Python 2.x, Linux. Other OS\'s are untested but
might work; Amarok 2.5 does NOT work. If you have
.nfo files with ascii art, consider installing the
font Lucida ConsoleP.


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