Homerun 1.1.0 released

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Mon Jul 15 03:18:49 UTC 2013

--- Description ---

Homerun is a versatile and extensible fullscreen launcher and
containment for the KDE Workspace.

--- Release Notes ---

Homerun 1.1.0 adds significant new features over the previous
stable version, in particular the ability for sources to pub-
lish sidebar actions on tabs and a new applications source
using this new facility. 

The complete changelog is as follows:

- Application items now have "Add to Panel" and "Add to Desktop"
  actions if the workspace is unlocked and Homerun is opened
  from a panel applet
- A global setting to toggle the action list buttons has been
  added, defaulting to off
- Sources can now optionally publish sidebar actions
- A new "All Installed Applications With Filters" sources has
  been added, making use of the new sidebar action API to allow
  filtering by category; this source is now used on the default
  "Applications" tab
- Performance improvements for application sources filtering
- The applet is now better at managing the Homerun viewer
  process, e.g. its ability to restart it on demand after crashes
  is now more robust
- Muon integration has been disabled by default

Download available at:

--- Links ---

* Wiki: http://userbase.kde.org/Homerun
* Bug tracker: http://bugs.kde.org/

Best regards,
Eike Hein

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