RCSMonitor 0.1

Benjamin Eikel kdelook at eikel.org
Mon Mar 12 23:34:22 UTC 2012

Name: RCSMonitor
Version: 0.1
Type: Plasmoid Script
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://www.eikel.org/projects/plasma
More Info:

 In March 2012, I wanted to have a Plasmoid that
is able to display the status of a Subversion
repository.	Because I could not find a working
Plasmoid for that task, I began to develop a new

SubversionDataEngine is a data engine that can be
used by Plasmoids. I have written this data engine
using Python. The data engine is able to extract
the latest Subversion revision from a URL. 	If a
path to a working copy of a Subversion repository
is given to the engine, the URL is extraced
automatically. For the Subversion access, pysvn is

RCSMonitor is implemented using QML. It can be
configured to use either a path to a Subversion
working copy, or a URL of a Subversion repository.
It fetches the information about the latest
revision using the SubversionDataEngine.


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