Shared-desktop-ontologies 0.8.1 released

Sebastian Trüg trueg at
Fri Nov 25 16:16:47 UTC 2011

I am happy to announce the availability of SDO 0.8.1 which is the first
bugfix release in the 0.8 series and actually the first release without
a minor version number bump ever. :)

This version only contains a small fix for the domain of nmm:setSize but
it fixes indexing of certain mp3 files in Nepomuk.

The Shared desktop ontologies provide RDF vocabularies for the Semantic
Desktop. This includes basic ontologies like RDF and RDFS and all the
Nepomuk ontologies like NRL, NIE, or NFO which are also maintained and
developed in this open-source project .

Grab the sources from sourceforge:


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