CPU and System Viewer 0.2

Michael Zimmermann trash at incunabulum.de
Sun May 29 20:42:16 CEST 2011

Name: CPU and System Viewer
Version: 0.2
Type: Plasmoid Script
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 The [b]CPU and System Viewer[/b] plasmoid
provides a simple and rather minimalistic view
onto the current CPU usage of your system and can
be added to the panel. If wanted, CPU, memory and
swap usage are shown in a graph, too. Also, a
popup gives more advanced information about the
current state of the system.

This plasmoid is written in python and is derived
from the 
CPU Meter[/url] plasmoid. Also, ideas from the
[b]System Load Viewer]/b] plasmoid shipped with
KDE SC were used.

- Download, unpack, cd into directory and run
\"plasmapkg -i ./\"
- via \"get hot new stuff\"

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