Kup Backup System 0.1

Simon Persson simonop at spray.se
Fri Dec 9 04:44:19 UTC 2011

Name: Kup Backup System
Version: 0.1
Type: KDE Archiving/Backup
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 Kup is a KDE-based frontend for the very
excellent bup backup software, that gives you easy
and fast incremental backups!
Look at 
[url]https://github.com/apenwarr/bup/[/url] for

Only the small parts of your files that has
actually changed since last backup will be saved
and therefore incremental backups are very cheap.
At the same time it\'s as easy to access your
files as if a complete backup was taken at every
time, like snapshots of your directories. These
can be easily viewed using kup whenever your
backup archive is available (and that is
automatically detected by Kup...)

Kup currently consists of two parts:
 - Configuration module, available in your system
settings. Here you can configure backup plans,
what to include, where to backup to and how often.
You can also see the status for these backup plans
to monitor if you\'re running low on disk space
 - A small program running in the background, with
a system tray icon that shows up when a backup
destination is available. This program will
monitor to see when your backup destination is
available and schedule and run backups.

[b]Currently supports:[/b]
 - backup destination: local filesystem or
external storage. 
 - schedule: manual only (triggered from tray icon
popup menu), scheduled interval.
Requires bup to be installed, also install 
python-fuse to be able to easily see and restore
files from your backups. Follow instructions in
README file for compiling Kup.

 - SSH as backup destination. Would be easy to add
but I have not been motivated yet.
- KIO slave to see a bup archive in a file
manager, could be based on libgit2 instead of
fuse-mount. Also could be nice to have a view here
where each file is represented as a directory and
under that is the different timestamps of that
file, would make it easier to find earlier
versions of files.
 - Continous backups: monitoring the local
filesystem for changes and imediately backing up
the changed file if destination is available.
 - Make bup give out percentage complete and use
this to present in progress bar, looks pretty
stupid as it is now without that information.


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