Kate SQL Plugin 0.1-RC1

Marco Mentasti marcomentasti at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 02:18:53 CEST 2010

Name: Kate SQL Plugin
Version: 0.1-RC1
Type: KDE Text Editor
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: LGPL
More Info:

 This is a plugin that transform Kate into a
simple, light, versatile and useful SQL client.
It take the advantages of the Qt Sql module to
allow you to open connections with all supported
SQL drivers (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, ODBC,
etc...) and easily launch queries on database.
Some of the main features:
 - supports all Qt Sql drivers
 - manage multiple connections simultaneously
 - provides an integrated viewer for SELECT
 - a simple wizard to export query results in csv
 - provides a basic schema browser for views and

(Tested on Linux and Windows with MySQL, SQLite
and ODBC drivers)

Build instructions:
If your distribution does not provide the kate
development package with libkateinterfaces, you
need to compile Kate from sources. 
Please follow these steps from the official Kate
Before launching cmake command, you need to
extract KateSQLPlugin sources in kate/plugins/
folder, and modify the file
kate/plugins/CMakeLists.txt adding this line at
the end:
[b]add_subdirectory( katesql )[/b]

QtSql with development libraries is required.

If you can\'t see your preferred driver in the new
connection wizard, you need to install the
appropriate qt driver package and restart kate.
(eg. on debian: libqt4-sql-mysql, libqt4-sql-odbc
... )

When you press the Run Query button, all selected
text (or all text in the current document if none
selected) is executed in an sql query. Pay
attention! DELETE and DROP statements are
tremendously rapid and destructive.

This is a preview release, may contain bugs, and
provides only basic sql functions. There is a lot
of work to do, to make it a powerful and feature
rich sql client.

If you have questions or you need to report a bug,
please leave a comment or send me an email to
[url]mailto:marcomentasti at gmail.com[/url].
Any suggestions are appreciated.

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